Kiwanis Club of Greater Ocean Pines-Ocean City
by David Landis
Pictured is Kiwanian Dick Jacobs, Kiwanis liaison to Worcester County G.O.L.D. (Giving Others Lives Dignity), as he informs the membership of the Kiwanis Club of Greater Ocean Pines - Ocean City that he has a check in the amount of $753 to present to G.O.L.D. in support of children pre-natal through age 4. "Serving the Children of the World" is the mission of Kiwanis. The funds are collected at weekly meetings from members of the club who "Fill the Cans" sitting on the tables at every meeting.
It was 1980 and twenty-five visionary people decided to charter a Kiwanis Club in Ocean Pines, Maryland. That was the start of 30 years of "Serving the Children of the World", which is the mission of Kiwanis International. Pictured is the club's liaison to Ocean Pines Cub Scout Pack 480, Kiwanian Tim Collins, accepting a check for $500 from President Dan Peletier, in support of the cub scouts, at the charter celebration. However, the largest part of the funds raised by club fundraising events like the three annual Pancake Breakfasts, the Italian and German Dinners, the Duck Race, the Carolina Pork Barbeque, Hot Dog Sales at local events. pictures with Santa and the Easter Bunny and the Holiday Fruit Sale in December go to the Scholarship Fund which awards scholarships every year to local deserving high school senior students.
Being a service organization, the Kiwanis Club also took on other tasks helping to fulfill other community needs. At one time the club grew to over 130 members who work on Meals on Wheels, Berlin Nursing Home Bingo, OP House Signs, Senior Chores, DelMarVa Blood Bank donations, and Worcester County Gold to name a few services. In 2004 the Ocean Pines Kiwanis expanded its domain and became known as the Kiwanis Club of Greater Ocean Pines-Ocean City.
On May 19, 2010 at a luncheon at the Woodlands in Ocean Pines, some of the now 72 members, along with their spouses, celebrated thirty years of the chartering and affirming a commitment to continue serving in the years to come. Widows of deceased Kiwanians were in attendance as is the custom for the annual Charter Celebrations in remembrance of their past service. Programs Chair for the Club, Graham "Jack" Caldwell is shown addressing them in the foreground.
As with any organization, the works of the past are a good foundation for what is to come, but it is what is done next that counts. That takes new membership to accomplish the task. May is also Membership Month for Kiwanis and the local club is searching for energetic service oriented men and women to step up and join in the effort. Contact Membership Chair, Pat Winkelmayer, at 410-641-5036 or go to the club's website at for detailed information.
During the thirty years the local club sponsored the Key Clubs at Stephen Decatur High School and The Salisbury School. It also "parented" the K-Kids Clubs for students at Buckingham Elementary and the Builders Club at Berlin Intermediate School. Hopefully other school clubs will be sponsored in the future. When students become a part of the "big picture" of Kiwanis International, they accept the responsibility to serve, just as do the parent Kiwanis Clubs. While there is a great deal of camaraderie in all the clubs, there is also plenty of work to be done to help make the community a better place to live. They learn the "how-to's" of leadership and service that serve them well in the future.
So, thirty years are behind us, but that is only the start. Hopefully the club will grow and persevere, striving to help make a difference in the community.
One of the fundraisers that the Kiwanis Club of Greater Ocean Pines - Ocean City does is to make, sell, and even re-paint the official approved Ocean Pines House Number Signs seen all over Ocean Pines. The signs are brown with large recessed orange numbers and are installed by Kiwanians at the purchasers home near the street. This sign makes the job of identifying house addresses easier for anyone, especially the fire department and police when responding to the call for help. Often the house numbers on the house are not readily visible from the street, especially at night. It even makes it easier for visitors and family to identify the address.
Signs are ordered by filling out an application located in the front hallway of the OPA building at Whitehorse Park as shown in the picture. Simply follow the instructions on the forms, either for PURCHASE at a cost of $15 (includes installation) or for RE-PAINTING at a cost of $10 done right at the home. make life easier and more safe. Get a sign and know that the proceeds go to the Kiwanis Scholarship Foundation which affords deserving local senior students an opportunity to further their education.
Pictured on the left is Kiwanian Phil Lassiter who also works with the Appalachian Project of the Ocean Pines Community Church sending local volunteers to Appalachia to do repair projects for those in need of help. On his right is Kiwanis Club of Greater Ocean Pines - Ocean City President, Dan Peletier, presenting a $500 donation from the club in support of the great work that is done.
Pictured is Public Affairs Officer Mike Levy of the Ocean City Police Department as he informs the members of the Kiwanis Club of Greater Ocean Pines - Ocean City at the weekly meeting on May 5th, 2010. His message was that while local citizens feel like they live in a "glass bubble", free of crime, it is an illusion as crime does happen. However it's the "Community Partnership" that helps to keep serious problems in check when citizens report any unusual or out of place incidents to the police.
TOURISM is the mainstay of Ocean City and surrounding areas. Naturally as more people visit the area, the crime rate does increase, so the pro-active involvement of the community becomes essential to preventing and solving any crime that might occur. There are many events in the area like Springfest, Cruisers, Bike Week, Sunfest, the 4th of July festivities, just to name a few, and they are known to be safe events because of hard police work and public participation.
The OCPD has a website at where the public can go to view police department information and learn of programs like the "Citizens Police Academy" which is held in Ocean City in the fall from September until November helping citizens better understand the functions of the police department. Many items regarding public safety are posted on this site. Click on the "Live" header and click on "Police" to view. There is a Community e-mail Outreach Program available in this section for citizens to sign up to receive OCPD Press Releases, Crime and Public Safety notices.
Pictured is Kiwanis Club of Greater Ocean Pines- Ocean City President Dan Peletier, on the left, presenting a check in the amount of $300 to Kiwanian Graham "Jack" Caldwell, who is also a member of the Ocean Pines Players and Radio Airwaves, to present to the Children's Theater to assist the young actors in putting on future plays. These children put in a lot of work and have consistently produced entertainment worth seeing.
This year the Kiwanis Club of Greater Ocean Pines - Ocean City awarded seven scholarships. There were plenty of deserving senior students with the need for funds to continue their educations, but unfortunately there was only seven scholarships available. This year, all seven went to seniors at Stephen Decatur High School in Berlin, Maryland on Wednesday evening May 26th at SDHS awards ceremonies.
Most all of the fundraisers for the year go to support the local Kiwanis Club's Scholarship Foundation. Fundraisers such as the three Annual Pancake Breakfasts, the Italian and German Dinners, the Annual September Duck Race, to name the largest events, provide the income which in essence comes from the community when they support the Kiwanis events. The rewarding experience of giving aid to the students makes all the effort to raise funds so very worthwhile.
The Kiwanis Club and the students who receive the scholarships thank everyone for their continuing support.
Pictured on the right is Dan Peletier, President of the Kiwanis Club of Greater OP-OC with the seven winning students. Five $1500 scholarships and two $2000 scholarships totaling $11,500 were awarded to (L to R) Taylor J. Blazer, Lauren L. Cosgriff, Bonnie M. Eisenman, Devon L. Harman, Brandon P. Maddy, James W. Moxley, Jr., and Joshua P. Wilder.