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April 2010
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April 2010 eBuilder Front Page

What? A Capital District Dues Increase?

Yes, you have heard right. The Capital District Board of Directors voted to recommend an amendment to the Capital District Bylaws to increase our annual dues effective October 1, 2010.

The Board's recommendation came after three years of analysis and discussion by previous boards and this year's board.  These Boards have looked at ways to cut expenses and have taken cost-saving actions.  We studied ways to improve our investment income which ultimately resulted in hiring an investment manager to properly oversee our investments.  In spite of these actions, we still have had difficulty operating without using our reserves from previous years.  Why?  Our Capital District membership has steadily decreased from a high of 10,800 members to today's 6484 members while the cost of doing business has steadily increased - inflation for one has been between 3-4% over the past 10 years.

This was not an easy decision by the Board.  Much discussion and analysis occurred before this decision was made.  We want to make sure all the Kiwanis members of the Capital District understand why and how the board reached this decision. So, over the next three months, District Trustees, with the help of the LTGs in their region, will conduct a series of seminars presenting the Board's position on this proposed Bylaw amendment. The seminar will be an open discussion, and the trustees will listen to what ideas you have regarding this proposed amendment. At our June 5, 2010, District Board meeting, your comments, ideas, and concerns will be reviewed and discussed. If an adjustment to the Board's proposal is required, we will adjust accordingly, and then present the revised Bylaw amendment to all members prior to our District Convention in August. There we will all vote on this bylaw amendment.

The Board hopes you take the time to attend one of these Dues Increase Seminars, listen to what we have presented, comment on our presentation and offer any suggestions.  This will not be a "behind closed doors" decision for the membership to make. We want to make this process as open and constructive as possible.  So look for the schedule of these seminars in your region, attend, become informed and get involved.

Yours in service

Don L. Dudey

The Kiwanis Family
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