Why Should Your Club Charter a New Builders Club: Reason #7
Builders Clubs get us more involved with the communityby Jennifer Dugent Wolff, Builders Club Administrator
Many Kiwanis Clubs mention having problems with getting their name out to the public. A way to get exposure to the community is by working with its schools. When you sponsor a Builders Club, your Kiwanis Club will be known by faculty, staff, and parents. When your club meets a need in the community like working with students, news travels pretty quickly.
Builders Clubs typically do service projects that benefit their schools and the surrounding community. When working with your Builders Club, your Kiwanis Club will also work with the surrounding community. When the projects increase, so do the possibilities for press releases and public exposure. That means more members and more impact. But first you need a Builders Club! Contact Builders Club Administrator Jen Wolff to learn how your club can get your very own Builders Club.