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Cap Dist Contributions Caused that Earthquake!
by P. Scott Zimmerman
Capital District Kiwanians Caused an Earthquake as they generated a groundswell of support for the Kiwanis International Foundation Annual Gift Campaign! Tornadoes and whirlwinds of philanthropic activity occurred during and following District Convention.
Capital District stands poised to surpass the $5.00 per member benchmark level of annual support for KIF…providing scholarships and support service for each of our Service Leadership Programs worldwide. These gifts support CKI, Key Clubs, Builders Clubs Aktion Clubs, K-Kids Clubs, Key Leader, BUG, and Terrific Kids. Kiwanis makes lives better for the children of the world…including right here at home.
Consider this:
The following 13 Divisions have reached the $5.00 level or better: Divisions 1, 4, 9, 10, 11, 12, 15, 17, 18 19, 20, 21, 23.
The following 5 Divisions have committed to reaching the $5.00 level! Divisions: 5, 8, 13, 14, and 22. I am certain that each of them will be there for Capital District by mid September.
This leaves just 3 Divisions with a somewhat bigger challenge. Division 2 could still reach the benchmark with the support of several of the big hitters in the division. Division 3 is easily within reach with additional support from just 2 clubs. Division 16 needs to stretch a little but with support from several of the strong clubs within the Division there is every hope that Capital District could be batting 1000%. Every Division could be at or above the benchmark!
Please remember that ANY gift counts toward the goal of one hundred percent participation. 100% participation shows the world just how much we believe in what we do and that we are willing (AS A TEAM) to put our treasure where our hearts are. In that same way that we have come together to help our communities during HURRICANE IRENE please do not forget to continue to support our roots as Kiwanians…Our Kiwanis Foundations!
Club gifts may be made from either your ADMINISTATIVE ACCOUNT OR YOUR SERVICE ACCOUNT!!!!
Kiwanis International Foundation Annual Fund
3636 Woodview Trace
Indianapolis Indiana 46268
KIWANIANS ARE INCREDIBLE PEOPLE! Please make your gift asap to be included in this fiscal year!
Thank you for being Kiwanians.
Gov. Tom Varner
New Cap. Dist. Sec/Treas |
New Capital District Secretary/Treasurer no Stranger to the Job
With the retirement of long-time Sec/Treas Ellis Stroup, effective October 1, 2011 Governor Tom Varner (right) will become the first new Secretary/Treasurer of the Capital District in over 36 years. At the 2011 DCON installation of officers ceremony, Kiwanis International Counselor Jane Erickson presented Tom with two pair of bulky athletic sox so that he might be better able to fill the big shoes left behind by outgoing Sec/Treas Ellis. "No one can fill Ellis’ shoes, but I will use all the skills and talents I have to be the best District Secretary/Treasurer that I can be," said Tom. ...more