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Picnic Means…fun! Fun! Fun! in the Sun! Sun! Sun! For Norfolk Club
by Sylvia Stewart
The 60th plus annual Holiday House Picnic was held on the lovely grounds of Holiday House on Thursday, June 23rd. It was a day filled with fun and excitement. Holiday House staff and board members, Kiwanis Club of Norfolk volunteers, and most of all the children who call Holiday House their home were all in attendance. The event has become a welcomed tradition that the agency looks forward to each and every year. In Kiwanis tradition, no stone was left unturned. Merry Heart the face painting clown delighted the children, and even a few adults, with her artistic abilities. She even transformed basic balloons into cartoon characters. We once again had a pony there to add to the fun as well, offering pony rides to the children. An added attraction this year were three very sweet animals, a goat, a donkey and a very small pony. As each child passed by the animals they were intrigued by what they saw and felt. It was a gentle loving gesture to see these special needs children interact with the animals.
The mid-day picnic was full of activities that entertained us all. All who attended enjoyed great food and lots of cookies!
Even the weather did not disappoint us as it was warm, sunny and a few sprinkles from heaven. It was a perfect day for a picnic. The day was full of laughter and smiling faces. It is an experience that each Kiwanian cherishes and would not miss. It is the children of Holiday House who inspire us to continue making a positive difference in the lives of children in the community in which we serve. We thank the leadership and staff of Holiday House for giving the Kiwanis Club of Norfolk to truly make a difference. This event is one of many that makes us truly proud to call ourselves Kiwanians!!
Gov. Tom Varner
New Cap. Dist. Sec/Treas |
New Capital District Secretary/Treasurer no Stranger to the Job
With the retirement of long-time Sec/Treas Ellis Stroup, effective October 1, 2011 Governor Tom Varner (right) will become the first new Secretary/Treasurer of the Capital District in over 36 years. At the 2011 DCON installation of officers ceremony, Kiwanis International Counselor Jane Erickson presented Tom with two pair of bulky athletic sox so that he might be better able to fill the big shoes left behind by outgoing Sec/Treas Ellis. "No one can fill Ellis’ shoes, but I will use all the skills and talents I have to be the best District Secretary/Treasurer that I can be," said Tom. ...more