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The 93rd Annual Capital District Kiwanis Convention in Williamsburg is a Success!
Governor Jeff Wolff of the Kiwanis Club of Tyson's Corners/McLean is Installed:
International Trustee Jane Erickson is our new KI Trustee and Counselor!
a Photo Essay by PG Bob Cressy
2011 DCON Photo Album
Colonial Williamsburg, Virginia, is always a great place to hold our convention and it was the site of our 93rd District Convention held Aug 19-21, 2011. We've been holding these District Conventions since 1918! Think of all that has happened in the world since then and of all the community service done by our Kiwanis Clubs. Think of the many Kiwanians - thousands upon thousands, some who have passed away, most of us here and many new Kiwanians working together being part of that "global organization of volunteers changing the world one child and one community at a time."
Look over the history of your club and those others you are familiar with. What would have happened if Kiwanis had not existed? Well, very fortunately it has existed. We have an opportunity to be the "one who made the difference" to start an idea, a project, and together to accomplish things that never could be done alone. This is what Kiwanis is and Kiwanis does. And a Tidewater crab or two around just makes it all the more fun!
As has been said by many, pictures tell the story more easily, more completely than words alone. Carve our some time to have a seat at your PC and browse through the photo essay and 'see' what what was experienced. Governor Tom Varner and his team where officially retired, yet they'll push on through September.
Governor Designate Jeff Wolff (center right with posse) was installed during the Convention and his team is ready. As you read this, he's already held his first Internet Webinar for his 2011-2012 Committee Chairs! Newly minted Kiwanis International Trustee Jane Erickson elected in Geneva and her husband, Past Governor of the Nebraska-Iowa District, Gus Erickson, attended the Convention and were both frequent and dynamic participants in all of our activities. Jane is our Distgrict's Counselor for 2011-2012, and what a delight she is. See the photos, please.
You'll catch the spirit again as you browse through the photos. What a great job of organizing the Convention was done by the host club of Williamsburg and Division 23, the host division. The entire Hampton Roads Region contributed to its success.
And the biggest news is that our District Secretary-Treasurer Ellis H. Stroup (right being presented with his plaque by eBuilder Editor, Dave Maloney) is retiring after nearly 37 years of service to the District, administrative teams and all of our District clubs. He will be missed, yet he deserves his retirement with the knowledge that he has done a superb job over these many years. So take a well deserved rest, Ellis, but stay in close touch. You are loved, admired and respected by all of us.
Now its time to take that look. I hope you will enjoy the photos and the captions. Take a moment to thank eBuilder Dave Maloney for his time and talent making the eBuilder a great District bulletin. See the other articles and photos, too.
Thanks for taking a look.
Gov. Tom Varner
New Cap. Dist. Sec/Treas |
New Capital District Secretary/Treasurer no Stranger to the Job
With the retirement of long-time Sec/Treas Ellis Stroup, effective October 1, 2011 Governor Tom Varner (right) will become the first new Secretary/Treasurer of the Capital District in over 36 years. At the 2011 DCON installation of officers ceremony, Kiwanis International Counselor Jane Erickson presented Tom with two pair of bulky athletic sox so that he might be better able to fill the big shoes left behind by outgoing Sec/Treas Ellis. "No one can fill Ellis’ shoes, but I will use all the skills and talents I have to be the best District Secretary/Treasurer that I can be," said Tom. ...more