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March 2011
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March 2011 eBuilder Front Page

Gov. Tom's Message

by Gov. Tom Varner


The month of February started out with a meeting of the District Board and the Lieutenant Governors Council in Fredericksburg. Following separate meetings, the Board and Council had a joint meeting in order to hear more directly the concerns of the Divisions and the Clubs in the District. It was a worthwhile and productive meeting with most of the Lieutenant Governors in attendance.


The second weekend was the first of two Midwinters this month in the Hampton Roads Region. Our special guests were Dr. John Button, Kiwanis International District Counselor from the Eastern Canada and Caribbean and his wife Debbie. Both are impressed with the Regional concept and studying the implementation in EC&C.


This past weekend I was at the Heart of Virginia Midwinter in Richmond. This Midwinter had the unique distinction of having all of the Service Leadership Program Administrators in attendance and taking an active part in the program. I thank them all for their dedication. In addition, at this Midwinter, Past Lieutenant Governor Betty Bell was elected to complete the 2010-2013 term as the Region's District Trustee.


On the third weekend, Lin and I attended the CKI District Convention in Arlington, Virginia. As always, it is a pleasure to see our great youth in action. They provided great education and training for their members. The concluding highlight was the election of Ryan White from the Virginia Commonwealth University as the 2011 - 2012 Governor.


I am now looking forward to this coming weekend for two very important events. On Friday, March 4, we will be presenting the Charter to the Kiwanis Club of Young Professionals of Tidewater. In addition, we will induct the Charter members and install the Officers. This is our first new club for the 2010 - 2011 Kiwanis year. Congratulations to Lieutenant Governor Amy Thorstad for leading this effort.


On Saturday, we will start the February Midwinters in the Potomac Region followed one week later with the Mason-Dixon Midwinter. The third week I am taking a short vacation. The last weekend, we will be at the Key Club District Convention. I thank all district Kiwanians for giving me this opportunity to participate in these many events.


The 2011 District Convention will be an event for the whole family in Williamsburg, the Colonial Captial of Virginia. The Committee has arranged for the hotel rates to be extended a week before and after the convention. There will many educational opportunities, fun events for the whole family, a major service project, and more surprises form the committee. Mark your calendars for August 19-21 and plan to visit historic Williamsburg.


I hope that by the time you read this, the schedule for the Club Leadership Education sessions will be available on the District Web Site. I want to thank Governor-Elect Jeffrey Wolff for all of his work to update and improve the web site. Our first Town Hall meeting suggested the need to review and update the site.


We need your help. As mentioned, the Education Committee has established a schedule for the training of Club Officers' throughout the District. The Clubs have to make sure they have elected their 2011 - 2012 President and Secretary. Club elections should be completed by the middle of May, as that is when the training schedule will begin.


Moreover, the Lieutenant Governor Conference is April 29 - May 1. Four Lieutenant Governors must be elected before then. Along with the need for Club Officers and Lieutenant Governors, the District does not have a candidate for Governor-Elect. I would hope all Captial District Kiwanians are concerned that we have so many vacancies in these offices. I encourage those of you who have ideas for improving Kiwanis to step forward and take a leadership role where you can put your ideas forward.


Until next month, everyone stay healthy and continue to serve the Children of the Capital District.


March 4              Tidewater Young Professionals                              Hampton

March 5              Potomac Midwinter                                                Leisure World

March 9              Division 10 Service Leadership Programs              Fredericksburg

March 12            Mason Dixon Midwinter                                         Columbia

March 13-18       Vacation                                                                  Edisto Beach SC

March 21            Bridgeville Kiwanis Club                                         Bridgeville MD

March 23            2011 DCON Committee                                          Williamsburg

March 25-27       Key Club DCON                                                       Crystal City

March 29            Division 20                                                              Arlington

April 2                 Presidential Midwinter                                           Blue Ridge CC

April 9                 SWV Midwinter                                                       Wytheville CC

April 15-17          Key Leader                                                              Jamestown

April 29- May 1   Lieutenant Governor Conference                           Leesburg

May 5-7               Eliminate Briefing                                                   Indianapolis

May 20-22           Past Governors                                                        Shepherdstown WV    

June 4                  District Board                                                          Fredericksburg


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2011 Dist. Conv. Aug. 19-21 Williamsburg, VA

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