2011 Kiwanis of LaPlata Fun Fest
by Jim Gorney
The Fundraising Committee of the Kiwanis of LaPlata led the way in the second annual Fun Fest held in the LaPlata Fire Hall on Sunday, February 27. With financial support from 26 community businesses, the Club was able to purchase prizes, candy and gifts for all of the children who participated. There were thirteen members of the Club who worked to set up and man the carnival games and 12 Key Club members from LaPlata High School who worked with the children with face painting, crafts and cookie decorating. One of the highlights of the event was a magic show by local clowns, Bunkie and Blondie, who entertained and dazzled the children of all ages.
Pinch The Crab, from our local baseball team, the Blue Crabs; the Chick-Fil-A cow; Gruff the Crime Dog, from the Charles County Sheriff's Department; and Fill-Up Phil, from Community Bank of Tri-County, attended. They posed for pictures and shook hands with the children. The Explorers from the Charles County Sheriff's office were also around to say hello to the children.
A special thanks to chairman, Judi Gorney, for putting together the event and publicity chair, Andy Sandford for putting together the publicity flyer and the publicity program.
Our Kiwanis Club of LaPlata are already looking forward to our third annual Fun Fest!