One Day: Think you won't make a difference? Think again.
Each year, the 600,000 members of the Kiwanis family are called together for one day of service. In 2011, Kiwanis One Day is April 2.
It's a global effort, but it's made of personal commitment. After all, Kiwanis One Day consists of the collective participation of Kiwanis, Aktion Club, CKI, Key Club, Builders Club and K-Kids members around the world.
It begins with your club's participation. It multiplies by involving other Kiwanis and Service Leadership Program clubs in your community. It extends to the impact you have on your community. And it results in an international spirit of service that inspires people worldwide.
There will be no limit to what you can do-and no boundaries on your spirit of fellowship. In fact, your efforts will be echoed by clubs in communities all around the globe. Visit to get started planning your project.