Suburban Frederick Club Supports Local Child Lab School with Literacy Rug
by Peter Brehm
The Kiwanis Club of Suburban Frederick recently presented to Onica Prall Lab School Director Susan Weddle, Head Teacher Debbie Smith, and the three-year old class at the Onica Prall Lab School a Literacy Rug purchased by the Kiwanis as a donation to the school. The Literacy Rug is a triangular carpet that encompasses bright red, yellow, green, and blue colors plus a variety of shapes that is used in lessons to enhance student learning. Assisted by the class and Smith, club Vice President Eric Gatrell and member Peter Brehm unrolled the rug, which was put to immediate use.
The Onica Prall Child Development Laboratory School is operated by the Department of Education of Hood College. The school provides preschool education for children who are three and four years old. The purposes of the preschool program are:
- to give three- and four-year-old children meaningful experiences in which to develop intellectual, social, and physical abilities;
- to provide classrooms in which college students can observe and work with young children and their parents;
- to increase parents' understanding of their children through observations and conferences with the staff of the laboratory school; and
- to provide a laboratory setting for the testing of existing teaching methods and for the creation of new methods for educating young children.
Above, students help Kiwanians Eric Gatrell (far left) and Peter Brehm (far right) and Head Teacher Debbie Smith unroll the new Literacy Rug.
Kids wasted no time getting down to business!