Service Leadership Banquet: Division17 Honors Our SLP Key Club & Builders, Faculty & Kiwanis Club Advisors
By Past Governor Bob Cressy
May 21, 2009 - Leisure World Club House, Silver Spring, MD - A Photo Essay
Springtime brings graduations, grade promotions and proper recognition for the many Sponsored Leadership Programs throughout the Capital District. Each May the Kiwanis Clubs of Division 17 in Montgomery County Maryland honor the SLP clubs and members, and their faculty and Kiwanis advisors.
When you really examine the programs, you realize that they could not exist without each function performing as a well coordinated team. And that they do, led by the Key Club and Builders members themselves. Over one hundred people attended this banquet. Each SLP club faculty advisor and/or Kiwanis advisor was introduced and described their club. Then they brought their Key and Builders Club officers and honored members to the podium to be honored. Key Leader and HOBY attendees for this year also were introduced and recognized and discussed their leadership development experiences.
The honors were really ours, to watch and listen with pride as these poised young people tell of their community service. Photos tell the story best. We wish all the photos could be shown, but here is a good sample. Please take a look.