Winchester Club: Pancakes & Sausage & the Community
by Bill Jeunette
That is what the Winchester Club is all about. Pancakes, Sausage and serving the Winchester area community with all proceeds from the 12 hour event. The club holds two Pancake Days each year, usually the first Saturday in May and November as it only fund raiser. The Spring event on April 4 exceeded the goal set by the club and was one of the highest recorded by the club. Over 6500 persons passed thru the doors between 7AM and 7 PM. The semi-annual event has become a real "social event" where you can meet old friends, chat, and relax while enjoying a great meal. The entire Kiwanis family is involved with manpower coming from the Aktion, Builder, Key and Circle K clubs sponsored by the Winchester Club. President Sylia Strause accepts the check from the spring event from Pancake Chair Josh Didawick in the amount of $31,601.98 and planning is already underway for the November event. Put it on your calendar and for fall.