Mount Vernon Club Holds Karaoke Day
by Bruce Malkin
The Mount Vernon Kiwanis Club hosted its second karaoke at the Creekside Neighborhood Center on Janna Avenue on June 8. UCM Youth Counselors Sandra Medrano and N'hawa Louisa Tangula gathered about 30 of their youngsters together at the Center for a special afternoon of sing-along with Bob Valone, Joanne Malkin, and Bruce Malkin of the Kiwanis Club. The sign-up sheet was full to overflowing, and the participation rate was very high, as the children sang along with the words and music to their favorite popular songs, especially purchased for their age group. Afterward, Sandra and Louisa distributed snacks and held a raffle with great prizes. The attached pictures were taken by Bruce Malkin, President of the Mount Vernon Kiwanis Club.