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Charlottesville Kiwanis Christmas Tree Sales Underway
by Jim Hart
For the 79th year, the Kiwanis Club of Charlottesville is selling Christmas trees and hand-made wreaths to earn money to support club service projects mainly benefiting children and youth. Kiwanis sponsors Key Clubs in five local high schools, a CKI Club at the University of Virginia, a Central Little League team, and holds an annual Holiday Party for Persons with Disabiities at WorkSource Enterprises.
"Kiwanis is selling fresh cut fraser firs from nearby West Virginia, locally grown and fresh cut white pines, and large and small wreaths beautifully hand-made and decorated by local Kiwanians, CKI members, and Key Clubbers," said Barb Ritter, president of the Kiwanis Club. The trees were delivered on Friday morning, November 25th to the lot located once again this year at Seminole Square Shopping Center in front of Office Depot. While some Kiwanians, assisted by Key Clubbers and CKI members, were unloading nearly 300 trees and setting up the tree stands, others were selecting 60 white pines out in Buckingham County and bringing them to the lot. The K-Family has been hard at work over the past two weeks assembling beautiful holiday wreaths and have them ready for sale at the hut.
Pictured are the Kiwanians constructing the wreaths...
...and also learning the fine points of wreath decoration from expert Katherine Ayres.
Also shown are service leadership program volunteers helping to unload roughly 300 fraser firs at Seminole Square in time for the opening of tree sales.