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Woodbridge Kiwanis Supports Emergency at ACTS
by Brian Bell
Recently, the Woodbridge Kiwanis Club dedicated two days of its Peanut Days Sales to assist in an emergency condition at the ACTS (Action in the Community through Service) Food Pantry. On Thursday, October 18, ACTS had to close the Pantry, as the shelves were bare. The Pantry serves about 4,00 local people each month. With the help of many people and organizations, including the Kiwanis Club, the ACTS Food Pantry was able to reopen on 25 October, a week ahead of schedule. The Kiwanis Club collected $272 and three boxes of food for ACTS, adding to its continuing legacy of serving the community, especially during a crisis.
Ken Stang, Woodbridge Kiwanis Club, collects donations for ACTS