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Kiwanis Club of Greater Ocean Pines - Ocean City
by David Landis
Kiwanis Donates to Children. The mission of Kiwanis is "Serving the Children of the World". The Kiwanis "Priority One" Program supports pre-natal through age 5 children and ties-in with Worcester County G.O.L.D. programs. Pictured are Kiwanis Club of Greater Ocean Pines - Ocean City Young Children/"Priority One" Chair, James Spcknall, presenting Darlene Onley, Executive Director of Worcester G.O.L.D., a semi annual donation of $600 supporting "Priority One" on November 22nd, 2011 in the Snow Hill office. Kiwanis donations support the purchase of food and formula, clothing, childcare, car seats and other needs for Worcester County infant children in need.
Kiwanis at Work. Fall of 2011 is and was a busy time for the Kiwanis Club of Greater Ocean Pines - Ocean City for numerous fundraisers, big and small, and numerous community service projects.
September: Annual Duck Race
October: Pancake Breakfast and preparing and serving snacks at the Ocean Pines Recreation and Parks Department's Kids Halloween Party.
November: Kiwanis "Snack Pack" cooks and serves at Pine'eer Craft Show (see picture of Kiwanis "Snack Pack" at work), Annual Germanfest, and pre-selling orders for the Holiday Fruit Sale.
December: Preparing food for the Pancake Breakfast with Santa for the OP Department of Recreation and Parks.
Besides fundraising, there were visits to the Kiwanis sponsored student clubs at Buckingham Elementary K-Kids and Berlin Intermediate School Builders Club where officers of those clubs were installed by Kiwanis Club President Mike Morton with other Kiwanians attending. As usual, Kiwanians manned the "Recovery Snack Table" at the Blood Bank of Delmarva blood drives at the Ocean Pines Library, and started purchasing items for Christmas for four families who were designated by Worcester County Social Services.
Donations of $1000 each were made to all three local elementary schools in support of their programs for the students as well as donations to other local service organizations like Worcester GOLD. Starting the week before Thanksgiving and right up to Christmas Eve, Kiwanians will man the Salvation Army Red Kettle at the Rt. 50 Wal-Mart in support of the Salvation Army Annual fundraiser. The club was honored at the Salvation Army Kickoff Luncheon of the 2011 Red Kettle Drive with the "2010 First Place Civic Group Bell Ringing" for raising $5317.08 by working 177 man-hours.
Kiwanis Guest Speakers Subjects Are Diverse. Every week at the meetings of the Kiwanis Club of Greater Ocean Pines - Ocean City there is a guest speaker. Speakers Chair, Graham Caldwell, has been obtaining interesting speakers for several years, as was the case with his predecessor chairmen. The subjects vary in diversity from education, children's groups, government, local service organizations, theater, entertainment, sports, outdoor activities, charities and businesses, to name a few. Pictured (L to R) is the latest speaker at the November 2nd meeting, Brian Bushmiller, owner of the new Berley Oak Brewing Company in Berlin, Maryland next to club President Mike Morton as he answers questions from the membership who were very interested in how he started the enterprize.
Bushmiller explained that his brewery was built in an existing 110 year old building that was originally a cooperage where barrels were made. He is brewing old style natural brews that now sometimes ironically end up in barrels. The Berley Oak Brewing Company is the only brewery in Maryland that has a tavern as part of the building. The Tavern is open seven days a week and serves 8 different brews. Check it out at www.burleyoak.com.
Kiwanis Honored By Salvation Army for Red Kettle Drive. Every year during the Holiday Season, the Salvation Army has its Red Kettle Drive with which most people are familiar as they see the Red Kettles and bell ringers around the area. So very many people donate to the Kettle Drive every year. The Kiwanis Club of Greater Ocean Pines-Ocean City annually mans the kettle at the Wal-Mart on Route 50 in Berlin, Maryland with the help of the young student members of the Kiwanis Key Club of Stephen Decatur High School.
Pictured are local Kiwanis Club members and SDHS Key Clubbers with State Senator James Mathias at the kickoff dinner as they accepted the award for the "2010 First Place Civic Group Bell Ringing" for raising $5317.08 with 177 Kiwanis Club and 100 Key Club man-hours.
Holding the award is Kiwanis Chair Barbara Peletier with club President Mike Morton.
Kiwanis Supports O.C.E.S. The Kiwanis Club of Greater Ocean Pines - Ocean City annually supports the local local schools.
Pictured are (L -R) Kiwanian Mary Foelber, who is the Tech Coach at Ocean City Elementary School, accepting a check for $1000 from immediate Past-President of the local Kiwanis Club, Roy Foreman, in support of student programs at OCES.
Kiwanian Al Kastner Recognized for Youth Service. Kiwanian and former President of the Kiwanis Club of Greater Ocean Pines - Ocean City, Al Kastner, was formally recognized by the Board of Education of Worcester County for his service to the youth of Worcester County when he was recently presented with a Certificate of Recognition. Al serves as the liaison for the parent Kiwanis Club to the Kiwanis Key Club at Stephen Decatur High School. Al has been instrumental in the establishment of the Kiwanis K-Kids Club at Buckingham Elementary School and the Kiwanis Builders Club at Berlin Intermediate School as well as another Key Club at The Salisbury School. Pictured presenting the certificate (L to R) are Board of Education President Robert Hulburd, Stephen Decatur High School Principal Louis Taylor and Superintendent Dr. Jon Andes. In his past life, before moving to Ocean Pines with his wife Carol, Al had been involved with youth having served as a teacher and principal. Kiwanis and its goal of "Serving the Children of the World" has been a perfect fit for Al.
Kiwanis Learns About Physical Therapy. Every week the Kiwanis Club of Greater Ocean Pines - Ocean City has a guest speaker at their meetings in the Ocean Pines Community Center. The subjects vary in diversity from education, children's groups, government, local service organizations, theater, entertainment, sports, outdoor activities, charities, health issues, environment and businesses, to name a few. At the November 30th meeting, Scott Gardner, Physical Therapist and Director of the year old APEX Physical Therapy located in The Pavilions on Rt. 589, addressed the club about Spinal Stenosis. Scott, who has worked in the Ocean Pines area for 11 years, explained the Spinal Stenosis is a degenerative problem often associated with aging that is caused by a narrowing of one or more areas in the spine, resulting in pain. Physical therapy can often relieve some of effects. A healthy question and answer session followed. Awareness of issues of all types is important to Kiwanians for helping themselves and their community. Pictured are (L-R) Scott Gardner and Kiwanis President Mike Morton.
Kiwanis Donates to SDHS Key Club. Kiwanis International has clubs at different levels. Adults belong to "Kiwanis Clubs", high school students to "Key Clubs", middle school students to "Builders Clubs" and elementary school students to "K-Kids" Clubs. At the weekly meeting on November 30th in the Ocean Pines Community Center, the parent Kiwanis Club of Greater Ocean Pines-Ocean City donated $500 to the Stephen Decatur High School Key Club which they sponsor in support of their programs. Pictured (L to R) are SDHS Key Club Secretary Natalie Cieri, SDHS teacher and Key Club Advisor Anna DiGuilian, President Katherine Bakke, and Kiwanis Club liaison to the Key Club Al Kastner. In addition to accepting the donation, President Bakke reported on Key Club fundraisers, activities and upcoming events, like the December 2nd Blood Drive at the high school form 8 AM until 2 PM. These are our future leaders serving their community.