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Twenty Richmond Kiwanians Entertain 250 Children at CHAT
By Roger Boeve
Twenty members of the Kiwanis Club of Richmond entertained 250 children and their parents at the annual Halloween Party of Church Hill Activities and Tutoring (CHAT) on October 31. With plenty of treats to go around, Brad Williamson manned the booth as the children were entertained at dunking Percy Strickland, Executive Director of CHAT, in VERY cold water, and Andrew Price in his "fat chef" costume rewarded kids at the Basketball Shot. Brad and Suzanne Davenport oversaw the Cornhole event, Teri Lovelace monitored the Bounce House, and others served hot dogs, chips, apples, and hot cider. Bob Priddy insisted that the kids eat their apples before they eat their candy and hot dog. One child asked if the apples were organic and locally grown. The party ended with dancing in the street with Brad Williamson leading the sidestep along with children and parents.
This was the first event with CHAT since they partnered with the Kiwanis Club of Richmond. CHAT was founded in 2002 with the mission of "Opening homes, transforming lives, rebuilding communities". They have grown to 12 homes open for tutoring and activities. In 2007, they formed a private high school, Church Hill Academy, to help CHAT participants succeed academically and vocationally. Kiwanians look forward to a rewarding experience with CHAT.