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Kiwanis Club of Ellicott City
by Gus Katsampis
Kiwanis Club of Ellicott City to send Holiday CARE packages to our Troops! Members of the Kiwanis Club of Ellicott City stand around CARE packages ready for shipment overseas, in time for the Holidays! Members, from left to right, are Rich Funke, Larry Sallee, Jean Scarburgh, Kennette Mitchell, Bob Engelbach, Bob Scarburgh and Mike Byrnes. The packages contain food, toiletries, clothing, games, batteries, etc., donated by the club members! The club also collects used cell phones for our troops. The phones are sent to a company that re-cycles them, and in return the company provides calling cards to our troops for FREE calls home! Collection boxes are placed around community merchant establishments between December 1 and January 31.
Members of the Kiwanis Club of Ellicott City turn out to support the "Light the Night Walk" of the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society and in memory of member Cal Donnelly. Cal Donnelly's widow Ruth Donnelly (center) is surrounded by members of the Kiwanis Club of Ellicott City in honor of the work that her husband did, through the years, in support of the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. The Donnelly's lost a daughter to the disease in 1959. Cal dedicated his life to support the Society until his own death this past August. Cal was a beloved member of the Kiwanis Club of Ellicott City for over 50 years. The club is preparing to celebrate its 72d year of community service to Ellicott City and Howard County. Club members shown, left to right, are Bob Martin, Joe Diehlmann, Bob Engelbach, Sheila Kiani, Dottie Kelly(spouse of member), Ruth Donnelly, Frank Kelly, Patti (Donnelly's daughter), Kennette Mitchell, Chris Hurley, Rich Funke and Guv Mitchell (member of spouse behind the camera).
iwanis Club of Ellicott City road clean-up crew. All set to go for their regular patrol of Columbia Pike in Ellicott City are Kiwanians, from left to right, Angela Miller (prospective member), Guv Mitchell(spouse of member), Kennette Mitchell, Sheila Kiani, Ann Lee, Larry Sallie, Bob Engelbach, Chris Hurley, Mike Byrnes, Andrew Wong, Michael Ball and Rich Funke (behind the camera). The club is now in its 72d year of service to the community of Ellicott City and Howard County!
Marnie Fallon (far right), Lt. Governor of Kiwanis District 14, presides over the installation of new officers of the Kiwanis Club of Ellicott City for the 2011-2012 term. This team of officers will lead the club in its 72d year of community service in Ellicott City and Howard County. They are, from left to right, Joe Aissi, Vice President, Bob Martin, Treasurer, Kennette Mitchell, President and Bob Scarburgh, Secretary. Kiwanis supports the youth internationally.
Past President of the Kiwanis Club of Ellicott City receives award. Art Downing, past President of the Kiwanis Club of Ellicott City, holds a clock, presented to him by the Club, as a token of appreciation for his leadership during the last two years.
Local High School Key Clubs Support Kiwanis Club Breakfast Fund Raiser. The Kiwanis Club of Ellicott City held its 10th Annual Country Breakfast & Craft Fair on Saturday, November 12, 2011. The fact that 33 members of 5 local high school Key Clubs, that our Club sponsors or is in the process of chartering, turned out to help, is noteworthy! The schools represented were Glenelg, Atholton, Centennial, Marriotts Ridge and Howard! They didn't only help during the breakfast, but also distributed flyers in neighborhoods prior to the event!
Poised ready for the bell to start serving are, from left to right, Kirsten Ostrom-Glenelg H.S., Maggie Saki-Atholton H.S., Jessica Cooper-Glenelg H.S., Emily Schweich-Glenelg H.S. and Yasi Etemadi-Atholton H.S.