Gov-Elect Tom Thanks Delegates
by Gov-Elect Tom Varner
I want to express my appreciation to the Delegates at the 91st House of Delegates for voting to allow me to serve all Capital District Kiwanians as your 2009 -2010 Governor-Elect. As we often hear there is a time and season for everyone and this is my time to lead.
My goals for the Capital district are very basic. In fact, that is what my theme will be. We need to get back to our roots and to look to our clubs to provide the reason for the divisions, regions, district, and even international to exist. The clubs are the base on which Kiwanis is built. Those of us who lead the other levels must first serve the clubs for we will only be as strong as our clubs.
I believe that all clubs want to grow in service and support to their communities. I believe that all clubs have the personnel with the desire to be great leaders of their clubs.
I believe that those who choose to lead know that there is much to learn about the organization. They believe in life-long education. They believe that there is always something new they can learn to make their club better. When we start to learn we must first open up and read our bylaws. This document tells us the parameters that exist. It is like a football game, the game is played within the playing field. Only when you step out of bounds do they stop your progress. Knowledge will show each leader that there is a lot of room to move forward and to grow. It will show that there really are very few restrictions beyond our own ideas.
Therefore, I encourage all clubs who have not done so to elect their 2009 - 2010 President elects. I would like to see all clubs have this office filled by the end of 2009. They should already be in place as Annual Meeting for each club occurs in the months of April and May, but if you missed this opportunity, please make every effort to bet your club leadership lined up.
Thank you, and I look for a great year under Governor Don and with the great clubs of the Capital District.