May 2011 eBuilder Front Page
Chelsea Stallworth, president of Virginia Tech CKI, is the recipient of the Ryan "Stack" Clark scholarship which was funded by an endowment from Kiwanis Int'l Foundation. Stack was a VTCKI member who was killed on April 16, 2007. Chelsea is a biochemistry major and graduated from Thomas Dale High School in Chester, VA.
The Crofton Woods Elementary has been holding a "Penny War" for the past month. They decided to donate the money collected, to the "Japan Diaster". The "war" has been going on for about one month and so far they have collected $3,100.00, though one of the K-Kids Advisors said that some of the novelty has worn off the fundraiser will go 2 more weeks to go!! The winning grade will receive a "pizza party" from the sponsoring club, Crofton Kiwanis, for their hard work and dedication. Way to go Crofton Woods K-Kids!
The Kiwanis Club of Mercury 64 inducted Jeremy Douglas at a recent club meeting. Jeremy is originally from Boston and relocated to Hampton Roads. He is employed as an Assistant Branch Manager with Virginia Company Bank at their Coliseum Drive location. The Kiwanis Club of Mercury 64 was started in 1962 and was the first Kiwanis breakfast club east of the Mississippi River. The club will celebrate their 50th Anniversary in October 2012. Pictured above are President-Elect Marianne Sherman and new member, Jeremy Douglas.
Saturday, April 2, 2011 was very cold and damp at 7 am, however, that did not stop 7 dedicated volunteers from from the Wilmington Kiwanis Club from helping our community. President Dave Wilson, high school volunteers and parents assisted in Kiwanis One Day by cleaning 3 miles of highway and collecting 7 large bags of trash. They sacrificed their beauty sleep to make this busy highway more beautiful. Our world is a better and cleaner place thanks to all of them!
Dan Bonner, sports announcer and member of the Kiwanis Club of Staunton, talks about the Kiwanis Club's baseball program during the Kiwanis Capital District's MidWinter Conference at Blue Ridge Community College on Saturday, April 4, 2011.
Members of the Wilmington Kiwanis and members of 2 of their 5 Key Clubs in April pulling a C-110 Air Force Transport plane in a fund raiser for Special Olympics. Wilmington Kiwanis with Key Clubs pulled the multi ton C-110 Transport 12 feet in 7.58 seconds! While this was not "good" enough for first place, it was "good" enough to help contribute to the $28,000 raised for Special Olympics at the New Castle National Guard Air Force Base in Delaware. "Good" job Wilmington!
The Stratford Landing Elementary School K-Kids Club (sponsored by Mount Vernon Kiwanis) collected a total of $2,789.98 over the last 3 weeks for a project called Pennies For Patients. This is a Leukemia and Lymphoma Society community service project where students and their friends donate their spare change to fund blood cancer research and patient aid programs. The K-Kids held a competition between classes at Stratford Landing with the winning class treated to a Pizza party. Pictured, K-Kids present a symbolic check to the representative from the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society, Emily Hansen (shown in the background with glasses).
Kiwanis Club of Poquoson recently held its 3rd annual T.S. Gates Memorial 5K. Members of the Kiwanis Club of Poquoson and Poquoson Key Club volunteered as Road Traffic Controllers. Some family members also assisted. The purpose of the 5K is to raise awareness of Aplastic Anemia, Paroxsymal Nocturnal Hemoflobinuria, and Myelodysplastic Syndrome. In the picture is Race Director Sally Gates (in blue) flanked by the many volunteers.
Members of the Grafton Middle School (GMS) Builders Club went to work quickly to help out after a tornado hit in nearby Gloucester County destroying Page Middle School there. In just two days, GMS Builders collected a pick-up truck-load of school supplies for Page students to use for the rest of the school year. The supplies were delivered on April 26, and their collection is continuing . GMS Builders Club is sponsored by the Kiwanis Club of Grafton. Pictured: GMS Builders Club president (left) Kerstin Roth, Natalie Cox, Selena Li and Sangrila Li and their school sponsor, Dana Jurgens, with just some of the supplies collected. (Photo Courtesy of York County School Division)