May 2011 eBuilder Front Page
Mount Vernon Kiwanis Club
by Bruce Malkin
At its April 20 Board meeting, the Mount Vernon Kiwanis Club (MVKC) inducted Jack Dobbyn as a new member. Jack is the Vice President of Management Business Planning Systems, a local management consulting firm, and has already participated in some MVKC community service projects, such as the April 2 Food Drive to support UCM's Food Pantry. Jack will benefit from the cost reduction for meals that members under 35 are offered by the MVKC when they meet at the Mount Vernon Country Club twice a month.
MVKC Vice President congratulates Jack Dobbyn after induction as new member as President Kahan Dhillon at left and Recruitment Chair Joanne Malkin look on.
From left, MVKC President Kahan Dhillon, Vice President Dr. Dave Reynolds, Recruitment Chair Joanne Malkin, and new member Jack Dobbyn pose just after the ceremony.
The K-Kids Club at Stratford Landing Elementary School sponsored by the Mount Vernon Kiwanis Club raised an astounding $2,798.98 over 3 weeks for the Pennies For Patients project. This is a Leukemia and Lymphoma Society community service project where students and their friends donate their spare change to fund blood cancer research and patient aid programs. The K-Kids held a competition between classes at Stratford Landing with the winning class treated to a pizza party. The group photo show the K-Kids presenting a symbolic check to the representative from the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society, Emily Hansen (shown in the background with glasses).
Art Riley, Kiwanis Capital District Governor in 2009, spoke to the Mount Vernon Kiwanis Club (MVKC) on April 6 at the Mount Vernon Country Club. He presented his "Six Words To Club Growth" PowerPoint presentation to 16 MVKC members and 10 sponsored school club guests after an excellent dinner. He started off with Member Commitment to community service and recruitment, then spoke about knowing our Mission and being able to explain it quickly to potential new members. Then he stressed the need fot a Plan including all members and reasonable goals, which requires a Club Assessment of why members leave over time. One thing we have been doing more is Publicizing our efforts to let the public know we exist and welcome volunteers, and finally working closely with our sponsored school clubs in our Service Leadership Program, which extends to all seven of our current schools. Kiwanis club graduates some day are prime new members if they settle in our area. After all that, Art bade farewell to the Officers of our Circle K Kiwanis-sponsored Club at NOVACC (Alexandria campus) and swore in the new Officers for the coming year. Finally he received the MVKC baseball cap from MVKC President Kahan Dhillon as a reward for his hard work this night before he and his own Kiwanis Club President began their 2-hour drive home.
From left. new Circle K Club VP Dean Rind, Secretary-Treasurer Giancarlo Calderolli, President Sandra Vargas, former Kiwanis Governor Art Riley, outgoing Officers President Ashraf Elmelik, Executive VP Ryan Pierpoint, Treasurer Ainsley Pietranton, Program VP Jasmin Gonzalez, MVKC President Kahan Dhillon
2011 Dist. Conv. Aug. 19-21 Williamsburg, VA |