Kiwanis Club of Frederick
by Richard Frye
Nancy Hendricks, Insurance Counselor, at Homewood, was a recent speaker to the Kiwanis Club of Frederick and spoke to the group about long term health insurance and how this type insurance can help protect your assets, help maintain your financial freedom and give a person the options necessary to receive quality long term care and services. She addressed potential cost of a long term plan and the cost today of nursing home care. Kiwanian Eric Nichols is with the speaker.
Linda Pappas Funsch, Hood College Professor of HIstory and Political Science, was a recent guest speaker to the Kiwanis Club of Frederick. Professor Funsch spoke to the group about "Exploring Islam: Perceptions and Reality." She gave a brief history on the rise of the religion where it began in Arabia through today. The professor also talked about the fear and ignorance of Islam and how it has become the second largest religion in the world and spoke briefly on Islam and the media. She also touched briefly on the status of women in the religious sect. Kiwanian Eric Nichols is pictured with the speaker.