Mount Vernon Club Member: "Bike Doctor"
by Bruce Malkin
Charles R. Jones, better known as the "Bike Doctor", is the newest member to join the Mount Vernon Kiwanis Club, and has been involved in community service for several years now. After retirement as a U.S. Army Colonel, Charles has found a new career in reconditioning donated bicycles and then giving these like-new bikes to children whose families cannot afford to buy them and to a few adults who use them to commute to work in the Mount Vernon community. He also tries to include a helmet with each bicycle gift.
Pictured above Charles (at right) with Tom Barnett, Program Manager at Good Shepherd Housing, at the recent delivery of reconditioned bikes for the children of the Good Shepherd Housing families.
Picture above: kids receiving their bikes from the Bike Doctor in August at the Creekside Neighborhood Center on Janna Lee Avenue. This delivery was arranged by UCM and the Mount Vernon Kiwanis Club.