Leisure World Club Offers Scholarships
by Stanford Crockett
The Kiwanis Foundation of Leisure World is offering Einstein High School and Rockville High School four first-year scholarships at a four-year Maryland State supported College or University. Each to be used for tuition and mandatory fees for one academic year, up to a maximum of $5000.00. These scholarships will be awarded on the basis of academic performance, character, and need.
The Foundation is also offering an Achievement Award to each of four graduating seniors to be awarded on the basis of outstanding performance in a particular academic or artistic discipline. Each of these awards will be $200 this year.
A music scholarship will again be offered this year. The Beryl Mina Schoman music scholarship grants a a scholarship of $1,000.00 to one student who is planning to obtain a degree in music.
Our Scholarship Committee consisting of James Hummel, Elaine Noss, Priscilla Chenoweth, Virginia DeMatteo, Muncie Brown, Jean Dembo ,Regina Skyles and Lorraine Torres will review the information sent by each school and decide on the most qualified students.