Capital District Has Organized the Kiwanis Club of Strasburg, VA
by PG John Tyner
For the first club to be formed in 2009-10, I'm delighted to announce the organization on April 24, 2010 of the Kiwanis Club of Strasburg VA in our Division 19 in the Presidential Region. Through the targeted efforts of LTG Dick Hoover, Strasburg organized with 29 charter members. A day or so later, another signed up for 30, with more to come before Charter Night is held.
Sponsored by Kiwanis Club of Old Town in Winchester, VA, elected were President Steven Schetrom, President-Elect Doug Sloan, VP Justin Ritenour, Secretary Annette Whitley and Treasurer Phil Loving. Further efforts will be made by LTG Dick and Division 19 as prospects have asked for an effort to reactivate the former Kiwanis Club of Luray.
The Growth Team is working hard to increase our members through retention and in new club building. If you have "leads" about anyone you know in the following locations, please let us know their name and email so the Team can take action immediately. We have three teams handling various activity levels: