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The "Unsung Heroes" Awards: A Novel Idea for Recognizing Kiwanis Leadership
by Lieutenant Governor Joyce Sharon, Division 17, Potomac Region with a Photo Essay by PG Bob Cressy
The end of a Kiwanis Administrative Year brings, and should bring, recognition of jobs well done as well as a welcome to new leadership. We offer our full support of the 2011-2012 Kiwanis Leadership Team. Division 17's Lieutenant Governor Joyce Sharon had a novel idea and coordinated that well with her club presidents. She asked them to review their year and select a club member for the "Unsung Hero's Award" to be given to a Kiwanian who demonstrated outstanding leadership and consistent service to their clubs.
The event Joyce chose to offer thanks to the awardees was her close out Division Council Meeting of the year held on September 12th at the Leisure World Clubhouse. Division 17 has a long record of well organized and productive monthly DCMs by all Lieutenant Governors. This recognition event was exceptionally well planned and clever (that's Bob Cressy's praise for Joyce, not Joyce praising Joyce). It was a great idea, fun and very much appreciated by the recipients.
Club Kiwanians' dedication was presented by each club president in turn, inviting their Unsung Hero up to the podium while the president cited their contributions. This ranged from members leading special projects such as helping the first Miracle League Baseball field in Maryland get started, to club committee chairmanships, and stepping up to club officer and director leadership positions … sometimes again and again, to SLP - Kiwanis support and coordination, and the smooth operational management of club administration.
From taking a club management position to being a supportive, involved club member who others can learn from and serve with, being an active Kiwanian pays great dividends to your club. It also pays great dividends to each individual for it is working together as a team that great service projects are born and find success. As Kiwanians with our other non Kiwanis commitments and obligations, we know we can't be involved in every club activity or attend every meeting. But also as Kiwanians we know we can and really must find a project or two to help make a success. We each have certain skills and often different skills from each other. It's the team approach that aids success. Each must play a part, some part.
When we look for Kiwanis 'suspects' (someone you think would make a good Kiwanian), to 'prospects' (a person that thinks they also would make a good Kiwanian), to becoming a Kiwanian, we look for busy people who have a little time "to change the world one child and one community at a time". After all, we look for "a person who would be a good for Kiwanis and who Kiwanis would be good for".
Well, in the Photo Essay you'll see some of the Kiwanians who make a difference in our worlds. We respect them and rightfully hold them in high regard. Take a look at those "Unsung Heroes" of Division 17. A good time to recognize your heroes is at you club's Installation of Officers and Directors and rewarding retiring leaders for a job well done. Think of awarding a Capital District Life Membership, for example. Please take a look at some of today's heroes. You have heroes too. Thank them and thank you for serving as a Kiwanian.
Thanks, Tom, for a great year! |
The “Unsung Heroes” Awards: A Novel Idea for Recognizing
Kiwanis Leadership
The end of a Kiwanis Administrative Year brings, and should bring, recognition of jobs well done as well as a welcome to new leadership. We offer our full support of the 2011-2012 Kiwanis Leadership Team. Division 17’s Lieutenant Governor Joyce Sharon had a novel idea and coordinated that well with her club presidents. She asked them to review their year and select a club member for the “Unsung Hero’s Award” to be given to a Kiwanian who demonstrated outstanding leadership and consistent service to their clubs...more