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Towne Center Kiwanis Virginia Beach
by Nancy Pindur
Summer saw us planning for our Neptune Festival and our Taste of Town Center 5K race. Members will man the beer tent at 31st Street for 3 days to earn money for our children's charities. This ends up being a fun event for all.
Our November 5th race this year looks to be bigger than ever. And the Town Center restaurateurs will be providing food for runners and spectators after the race and Gordon Biersch beer will be available for the runners as well.
Our social outings continue to be successful as we visit a different local restaurant monthly to get together with members and spouses and learn to know one another on a social level.
As we continue to grow with members and enthusiasm we are able to provide more to our various charities.
Our new officers and board members will be installed this October 5th and all are looking toward another successful year of changing our community, one child at a time.
Thanks, Tom, for a great year! |
The “Unsung Heroes” Awards: A Novel Idea for Recognizing
Kiwanis Leadership
The end of a Kiwanis Administrative Year brings, and should bring, recognition of jobs well done as well as a welcome to new leadership. We offer our full support of the 2011-2012 Kiwanis Leadership Team. Division 17’s Lieutenant Governor Joyce Sharon had a novel idea and coordinated that well with her club presidents. She asked them to review their year and select a club member for the “Unsung Hero’s Award” to be given to a Kiwanian who demonstrated outstanding leadership and consistent service to their clubs...more