Message from Outgoing Gov. Art Riley and First Lady Vickie
Art & Vickie
It is impossible to describe the events of the past 366 days and the countless "chicken meals." The Kiwanians of the Capital District have provided Vickie and me an experience that we will never forget and that will continue to enrich our lives in the years to come.
This opportunity that is entitled the "Governor of the Capital District" provides a unique opportunity to see first hand the great and wonderful service of the entire K-Family. There are not adequate adjectives to describe the dedication that each of you exhibits as you go about your service to youth and your community. Each visit to a Kiwanis Club, CKI Board meeting, Key Club function, Builders Club event, K-Kids installation or Aktion Club project reinforces the quality of the K-Family members, the importance of the work we do and the reason for wearing the "K."
Many have asked what I am going to be doing after October 1 and to that I have two answers: continue to sell Kiwanis and to assist any club in the District that wants to benefit from the perspective I have gained and travel to really get to know the great people Vickie and I have met.
Vickie and I want to thank each of you for your hospitality, best wishes and friendship. Continue to remember that each of you can make a difference, and let's all support Tom and his team in the coming year.