July 2011 eBuilder Front Page
Webinar on SLP sponsorship (Sept. 20) - Be a sponsor, build a strong base
Is your club doing everything it can to support your K-Kids, Builders Club, Key Club, CKI or Aktion Club? As a club sponsor, you not only serve as an example, but your enthusiasm, interest and guidance can help to grow these young leaders into a strong future of Kiwanis.
Attend the free webinar, Great SLP clubs start with great Kiwanis sponsors, at 8 p.m. Eastern time on Tuesday, September 20. You'll log off with a bag of tricks to improve your advisory skills, better understand your role and have even more fun doing it. To sign up for this session-and other helpful SLP topics like Quarterly Membership Campaign: Keep it in the family on July 19-register now at www.kiwanisone.org/webinars. Webinars are also archived online to watch later.
2011 Dist. Conv. Aug. 19-21 Williamsburg, VA |