Broaden Your Horizons at the Mid Winter Training Conference!
My mother told me it was important to learn something new every day! I have found her advice to be sound and so I'd like to offer you the opportunity to learn many new things at the Kiwanis Midwinter Training Conference - Feb 24-26 in Arlington, VA! Here are a few of the great opportunities you will have to choose from:
Using" Consensus Building" to move your club Forward; "Ice Breakers, Teambuilders and Games" to make club meetings more fun and productive; "You've got questions about your SLPs - We've got answers!" presented by the CKI and Key Club Governors; "10 Habits for Club Success" presented by KI President Paul Palazzulo; and "Tools for Growth" - how to succeed in growing your club membership. These are just a few of the 25 inservices that Kiwanians can attend - ranging from fun to serious, service to club development. There will be training sessions for club secretaries and treasurers as well as a workshop on life after being club president.
Please plan on attending! You can register now on-line and receive a discounted package price that allows you to take advantage of all these inservices and so much more!! If you have any questions about the workshop menu, please contact Rev. Carolyn Richar at I look forward to seeing you at a workshop soon!
Submitted by Rev. Carolyn Richar, President, Fairfax Kiwanis/Workshop Chair - 2010 Midwinter Conference.