C.D. Hylton High School's Key Club is Busy!
by LeAnn Strang
The Hylton Key Club has been very busy these last few months. On September 5, the students hosted a local car wash that earned $600 for the ACTS Food Pantry. Those funds were presented to ACTS on November 12...just in time to supplement any Operation Turkey needs! Also in September, the Hylton Key Club students held a school supply drive and collections were distributed to McAuliffe, Rosa Parks, and Enterprise Elementary schools who have expressed their gratitude and appreciation. Our "Peanut Butter & Jelly Drive" yielded over 200 pounds of food for the ACTS food pantry. On "Sandwich Day" we made over 100 bag lunches for the Winter Drop in Shelter. We had Club representation at the Arthritis Walk at Forest Park High School as well. It was a very busy month indeed!
In October our Club, in conjunction with the Jr. Civitans, hosted the ARC Halloween Dance here at Hylton. We had a lot of participation and the students loved the event. They are excited to host another dance for ARC and said it was more fun than Homecoming! We also trick-or-treated for UNICEF and are counting our coffers to send off. Our peanut sales provided much needed funds to supplement our many activities.
November is Operation Turkey month and we have scheduled a number of opportunities to help the Food Pantry. We held a very successful Invisible Children screening and have held bake sales to raise funds on their behalf. Key Clubbers made holiday cards for our troops and we will be dropping those off at the News & Messenger before the deadline.
Our officers, who participated in a very informative training opportunity with other Key Clubs at the Boys & Girls Club in October, are busy gearing up for our next activity. In December we are planning an "Outdoor Comfort Project" to support those who frequent the Winter Drop in Shelter. You may visit the Hylton High School Web site for a list of items we will be collecting for these kits. We have a great bunch of students anxiously on the ready for the next community service opportunity. Stay tuned!