(Above) Mt. Airy Ding-A-Lings Joyfully Man the Kettle. For the past several years, the Mt. Airy Kiwanis club has volunteered one or more days during the holiday season to man the Salvation Army's Red Kettles in front of our local WalMart. This year's shifts were coordinated by Jeri Simon, the club's Community Services Committee Chair, and took place on Saturday, Nov 14, with a second date to follow in mid-December. The experience always turns out to be a fun day and way to add Kiwanis support to a most worthy cause-- the service and contribution that the Salvation Army provides in each of our communities. In tougher economic times, it's especially gratifying to see the generous response that the local public makes to these requests. And the smiles and joyful participation are almost worth more than their dollars and coins.
(Above) Key Club Helps MVKC with trees. Twenty-nine of the Kiwanis Key Club students sponsored by the Mount Vernon Kiwanis Club (MVKC) at the Mount Vernon High School, the West Potomac High School, the South County Secondary School, and the Tyson's Corner High School showed up early on the chilly morning of Saturday, November 28, to help the members of the MVKC unload a tractor trailer of its cargo of 750 Fraser firs plus many wreaths and hundreds of feet of garland shipped from a tree farm in southwest Virginia. At the end, the community-service minded students were rewarded with cups of hot chocolate and a glazed donut plus the satisfaction of a job well done for their sponsoring organization and two hours of credit for their school requirements as well. The tree sale began at noon on Saturday and runs daily rain or shine through December 20, when the last tree is expected to be sold. For more info on MVKC, see www.mtvernonvakiwanis.org or its Facebook page. Buy your tree at its lot, as all profits are spent in the community to help the needy, especially the children, live a better life.
(Above) Mt. Airy Uses Vets Day 2009 to Honor Their Own. Mt. Airy Kiwanis Club President Tom Walker came up with a great idea this year: let's not only do a special club program to commemorate the history and significance of Veteran's Day, but also use the occasion to honor our own club members who are veterans. The result was a most memorable program and a special evening that our members will not soon forget. The highlight was each of our club's veterans briefly sharing when and where they served and in their own words, the significance of those memories and the holiday. Kiwanis is all about serving others and on this special day and evening, we were reminded of our gratitude for those who unselfishly serve and defend our country.
(Above) Mt. Airy's Fall Pancake Breakfast Another Winner! Twice a year, in Spring (March) and Fall (November), the Mt. Airy club traditionally holds its Pancake Breakfast fundraisers in the new fellowship hall of Calvary UMC in Mt. Airy. Each breakfast runs from 6am - 12noon and has become synonymous with great food, fun and fellowship. This Fall's event (11/21) was no exception as club members plus KeyClubbers served more than 300 local residents, members of other groups with a relationship to the Mt. Airy club, and InterClubs from several near-by Kiwanis Clubs. In the photo, Mt. Airy members Paul Brown and Norm Bogarde are all smiles (at least before the crowds arrive!), as they express a big "Thank You" for all of the support. Attendees this year were also asked to bring contributions of canned or boxed food items to benefit Mt. Airy Net and the resulting donations filled several grocery bags.
(Above) Lindsey Mongan, the President of the Kiwanis K-Kids Club at Stratford Landing Elementary School, was one of the prime speakers at the Kiwanis Gala Night on November 12 at the Fair Oaks Hyatt in Fairfax. The 6th-grader spoke to a large audience of District Officers, including District 20 Governor Don Dudey, and representatives from most of the high schools which have Kiwanis Key Clubs in the northern Virginia region. Her K-Kids club is sponsored by the Mount Vernon Kiwanis Club, which also sponsors all four high school Key Clubs in this area. Photo shows Lindsey speaking ot the assembled Kiwanians.
(Above) Kiwanis Donates to Reverend Herr's Interfaith Caregivers. At a recent meeting of the Kiwanis Club of Greater Ocean Pines / Ocean City at the Ocean Pines Community Center, Reverend David Herr, Chaplain for the club, on the left, receiving a $500 donation for his Interfaith Caregivers from Past - President, Corky Widerman, as President Dan Peletier and Berlin Mayor Gee Williams observe. "This money is used to help people to get to medical appointments. This includes visually impaired individuals and others. We have recently been contacted because a local woman has been referred to The University of Maryland Medical Center for testing for a brain aneurysm. We have been inexistence for nearly 15 years. We were originally funded by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation a demonstration grant to improve access to medical care by elderly and handicapped persons in a rural area. The single most consistent barrier to medical care is transportation in Worcester County and other rural areas." said David Herr Executive Director.
(Above) Member Tom Sowers of the Kiwanis Club of Old Town (Winchester,VA) prepares grilled cheese sandwiches for the lunch at the local Salvation Army Shelter. The club prepares and serves lunch on each Tuesday and Friday at the local shelter.
(Above) Kiwanian Kim Triplett of the Kiwanis Club of Old Town (Winchester, Va.) gives instructions to a young voter during the November election with Kids voting. The Club manned two voting stations with members of the Club instructing the young voters
On October 31st the West Point Police Department hosted it's annual Safe Treats Halloween. The police department was assisted by West Point Key Club members, Sarah Pullen, Cate Sumerlin, Julia Molle, Taylor Cline, Kyle Davis, Julia Guerrant, and Courtney See who lined Lee Street to assure the safe travel of all little goblins. We're very proud of our youth.
Rehoboth Beach Kiwanis and their K-Kids from Rehoboth ES, Rehoboth BGC, and Lord Baltimore ES are making muslin dolls with Winnie the Pooh hospital gowns for sick children.
The K-Kids from RES and BGC pin and cut the patterns and the LBES K-Kids sew and stuff the Hospital Dolls, including a Kiwanis label.. The kids will infuse a little of their love into the dolls, so when their friends are sick in the hospital and have a pain or are lonely they will know the K-Kids are caring for and about them.
On Friday, January 22, 2010, the Kiwanis Club of Reisterstown is holding its annual Oyster and Shrimp Roast at the Arcadia Volunteer Fire Compay 16020 Carnival Avenue Upperco, Maryland 21155. The Oyster Roast will be from 6:00pm until 8:00pm. Please help us as we support our local community. Cost is $40. For tickets you may call Don Dudey 410-356-5707. Visit our website at www.reisterstownkiwans.org.
(Above) The Kiwanis Club of Reisterstown presented the Volunteer Firefighters from Reisterstown Volunteer Fire Company and the Owings Mills Volunteer Fire Company with a Certificate of Appreciation for their continuing unselfish service to their community. Pictured from left to right is Craig Nelson, Owings Mills, Club President Jim Lichty, Bob Murray, Reisterstown .
(Above) Forrest Elementary School, Hampton VA, K Kids ringing the bell for the Salvation Army. Don't know how much money they took in, but the kettle was full to the brim at the end of the day.
(Above) Martha Gunter, JoAnn Glazier, Jeff Faries, Kim Gerner, Kathi Hall, and Lamese Essey from the Colonial Heights Kiwanis present a donation of $1000.00 to the Chesterfield-Colonial Heights Christmas Mother at their Benefit Auction Nov. 21st.
Salem Club Christmas Parade. The Salem Kiwanis Club again assisted in the annual parade. This is the 25th year that Salem has acted as the Parade Marshall team. Each year they have worked with the Salem-Roanoke County Chamber of Commerce to assign positions and line up the entries. It usually takes about 66 Community Service manhours to "Put the show on the Road". About 20-25 members "head 'em up and move 'em out" to the squeals and cheers of 10,000 to 15,000 onlookers. What a great way to begin the Christmas season!!
(Above) Kiwanis Club of Old Town (Winchester,Va) Member Ashley Bruce adds her contribution of pet food to the supply of pet food collected for Thanksgiving Dinner at the local SPCA. Over 200 lbs. of food plus cash was collected from the members for this project.
(Above) Mount Vernon Kiwanis Club Hosts District 20 Council Meeting On November 7. On Saturday, November 7, the Mount Vernon Kiwanis Club (MVKC) hosted the other 8 Kiwanis Clubs in its District at the monthly District 20 Council Meeting held at the Salvation Army Building on S. Glebe Road. Bruce Malkin, President, chaired the meeting, and was assisted by MVKC members Paul Mehler, Barbara Callahan, Lee Palmer, and Kahan Dhillon. The photo shows Bruce after the meeting flanked by District Governor Don Dudey (on the left in green shirt) and former Lt.-Governor Jeff Wolff on the right. Jeff was unanimously endorsed at the meeting as a candidate for Governor-Elect for FY 2011-2012.
(Above) Kiwanis Club of Reisterstown Peanut Day. On Sunday, November 22, 2009 the Kiwanis Club of Reisterstown held their annual "Peanut Day". It was held at the Giant Store in Reisterstown from 10:00a.m. until 4:00p.m. Many thanks goes to all of our members who came out and helped with this event. "Peanut Day" is held to let everyone know what the Kiwanis Club is all about and what we do for our community. We collected money during this event to help the Community Crisis Center. This check will be presented to them at one of our regular meetings in the near future.(pictured is left Gary Beck, Chairman of Peanut Day and Jerry DeBar, President Elect.)
On Friday, January 22, 2010 The Kiwanis Club of Reisterstown is having its annual Oyster and Shrimp Roast at the Arcadia Volunteer Fire Company 16020 Carnival Avenue Upperco, MD 21155 from 6:00pm until 8:00pm. The cost will be $40.00 per ticket. For information, please call Don Dudey 410-356-5707. www.reisterstownkiwanis.org
(Above) On Saturday, November 21, 2009 the Kiwanis Club of Reisterstown and the Key Clubs from Franklin High School, Owings Mills High School and Hereford High School came together at the Reisterstown United Methodist Church to make cookies for our Troops. The cookies were made and put in boxes, with items purchased. They were then sent to the troops in Afghanistan. Pictued above are Treasure Don Moore and Member Harriett Gillan.