Ocean Pines/Ocean City Kiwanis Summer Fundraiser a Success
by David Landis
On July 11th The Kiwanis Club of Greater Ocean Pines - Ocean City held their annual summer Pancake Breakfast to raise funds for their Scholarship Foundation which awards scholarships annually to deserving local high school senior students to further their educations. Thanks to a good response by the community, it was a success, as the full house picture shows. Attendance had been off a bit lately, likely due to the move from the Ocean Pines Community Center because of the construction of the new facility, to the nearby Community Church on Rt. 589. Hopefullly on the return to the new Community Center in the Pines, attendance will pick up for the other upcoming annual Pancake Breakfasts, namely in the Fall and Winter. Pictured are some of the Kiwanians who started working in the kitchen at 6AM (L to R): Bill Long, Jim Spicknall (Chairman for the event), Roy Foreman, Steve Rosen, Phil Lassiter, Skip Dennig, and Bud Breidenstein (some watched more than others). Watch for announcements for the annual Fall Pancake Breakfast on October 10th. Currently, Kiwanis is also selling hotdogs, drinks and other refreshments at the weekly Ocean Pines "Concerts in the Park" where you can also buy KIWANIS DUCK RACE entries for $5 each or 3 for $10 for the September 12th event at Frontier Town at 5 PM. All proceeds go to the scholarship fund.