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Sec/Treas Tom's Message
by Sec./Treas. Tom Varner
This is a good time in the district as we are in between the CKI and Key Club District conventions and training conferences. Anyone who attends one of these events has to come away really charged up and ready to go out and serve. First, I must say a youth event is not for the faint of heart. They are somewhat noisy, they are non-stop, if you are there you must want to work (and they will make sure you do), and they fill you with pride at the caliber of young person we are blessed with in Capital.
At times they are more efficient than are the adults. If there are rules and regulations, they are followed and obeyed by everyone. Everyone knows the procedures and must follow them. Perhaps, we of the older persuasion should take a lesson.
Since we have not had a cold winter, there was no down time and we must recharge our service batteries on the go. We did not have the luxury of snow days from work or school; we will not have days without power and/or other utilities so it has been full go for most people. Now, let's all take a few deep breaths and plunge back into the Kiwanis service mode.
Every Kiwanian should try to get to their midwinter conferences. There has been and will continue to be excellent training and fellowship. Governor Wolff has a great message that varies somewhat depending on the venue, but is always one of encouragement with a positive outlook.
Shortly, we will have the time to head to New Orleans for the International Convention. We have a quota of over 260 attendees, and we are about 25% of the way there. We have secured a very reasonable venue for our District dinner on Thursday night. We are going to the New Orleans School of Cooking. Some of us might have an opportunity to help prepare the meal. The meal will be prepared as we watch. The cost is very reasonable $25 per person. An invitation will be sent out shortly for attendees to select a menu.
The most important reason for anyone to attend from the District is to support the candidacy of International Trustee Jerry Pueler for election the office of International Vice-President. Success would then place Jerry in position to be the President of Kiwanis in 2015-2016. Get your registration in today before the cost increases.
In conclusion, I want to thank Dave Maloney for his years of service as editor of the eBuilder. He has seen many changes as we have tried to change how we get news out to the members. He as always risen to the occasion and done a very professional job. Thanks Dave, we will miss you.
Tom Varner