- Gov. Jeffrey's Msg
- Kiwanians Help Barb
- Key Clubbers Dance
- Aktion Donation
Gov. Jeffrey's Messageby Gov. Jeffrey Wolff With the onset of Spring, we turn our focus to changes in the Kiwanis world. Your Kiwanis clubs should already be planning your officer elections for the 2012-2013 administrative year. The elections are typically held in April but your nominating committee should be identifying members now who are interested in serving on your Board of Directors this year and also with an eye toward the following year's leadership as well. Your Lt. Governor should have contacted your club recently about planning a Membership Drive in celebration of Kiwanis Membership Month in May. Starting your planning in March will ensure a successful event for your club and more new members to increase the service your club performs in its community. ...more |
Barbara Gulley Finds Friends and Emergency Housing 3,000 Miles Away, Thanks to Kiwanisby Russell Bantra Barbara Gulley truly understands the care, compassion and connections that come with being a Kiwanian. ...more |
West Potomac Key Club Sponsor Valentine Dance for Hollin Hall Seniorsby Vivien Peterson, MT Vernon Kiwanis Secretary For the third year, the Key Club of West Potomac High School, Alexandria (Fairfax County) Virginia, sponsored a Valentine Dance at The Hollin Hall Senior Center, 1500 Shenandoah Road, on Friday, February 17, 2012. Forty-six senior citizens, Key Club officers, a large number of Key Club members, three faculty advisors, two center directors and their Kiwanis advisor turned out for the two hour dance....more |
Don Guanella Village Aktion Club Savors the moment!Frank Werner, Advisor to The Don Guanella Aktion club, presents a check as a donation in support of their 2012 planned community service programs. ..more |
Coastal DE K-Kids Host Successful Pancake Breakfastby Rosemary Cummings The word is getting out. K-Kids from Rehoboth and Lord Baltimore Elementary schools and the Rehoboth Boys and Girls Club were all there. Coastal DE Kiwanis sponsored another Pancake Breakfast at Applebee's with the K-Kids serving the meals. Some kids, like Cruz, Giovanni, John, Bobbi and Brianna had worked before, then others like the Lee brothers, Sirone, Ty and Diana, it was first time....more |