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My Key Leader Experience: An Experience of a Lifetime
by Rebecca (Southwest Virginia)
Seventeen years old and what was thought to be a leader, was a girl who went to Key Leader for the first time. That girl was me. I was finishing up my senior year in high school and was considered one of the main leaders in my school; I did everything. It was not until I attended Key Leader until I realized that being a leader was so much more than I had thought.
Going into the weekend I had three friends from my home club and a couple who had been on 2010-11 Capital District Key Club Board with me. I had some knowledge of being a leader and thought I was pretty good at being one. That was about all I had going into the weekend, but little did I know that I was going to come out of the weekend with knowledge of being a leader from here to the moon and back, plus lasting memories and friendships.
Looking back on Key Leader, I am able to relive all the memories, all the friendships, all the activities, and everything I learned about being the best possible leader. Knowing that I can change the world with my leadership skills and people's help means a lot to me. Remembering the friendships and all the wonderful things I learned, is what makes me realize just how much I enjoyed it. Knowing that this experience can change someone for the good is why I believe students should attend Key Leader in the future. Be yourself, be fun, be willing, and be a leader, for anyone can be.
There will be 3 Key Leader Weekends in 2012 and registration is now open at key-leader.org for all of our 2012 events -- May 27-29, at Arlington Echo, Millersville, Maryland; April 18-20, at Jamestown 4-H Educational Center, Williamsburg, Virginia; and November 9-11, at Northern Virginia 4-H Educational Center, Front Royal, Virginia. For more information, please contact District Chair Nicole McDermott (Kiwanis Club of Tysons Corner/McLean, Virginia) at capitalkeyleader@gmail.com or 703.829.5481. For more information about Key Leader, please visit www.youtube.com/CapitalKeyLeader and watch live student testimonials about the quality of the program. The students featured on our YouTube Channel are all local Capital District students. Also, search "Capital District Key Leader" on Facebook and like it or visit key-leader.org.
On to New Orleans
June 28 - July 1, 2012
Capital District Convention
Aug 24-26,2012