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Tribute to Merv Conn: The "Music Man" of the Kiwanis Club of Wheaton-Silver Spring 1920 - 2011
by Helen C. Williams, PhD
Members of the Kiwanis Club of Wheaton-Silver Spring lost a music legend on 12/20/11 - Merv Conn, long time professional musician, performer and instructor of the accordion in the Silver Spring, Maryland area. Merv always came to our Wednesday Kiwanis meeting prepared to be a part of the program. He had written a Kiwanis theme song and he always seemed to have copies in case someone requested he play it. He would arrive at the meetings early and place his accordion on his broad shoulders almost as soon as he selected his table. He played his big band songs during our fellowship-hors d'oeurvre time always setting a positive tone for the upcoming meeting. After that, he continued to stand and then play America. This last year, however, the accordion became very heavy for him so he transitioned and played the piano at some of our meetings.
Merv always represented Kiwanis as an ultimate professional-dressed in his dark suits and ties and "working" the room greeting folks. At our Club's 60th Charter Night celebration last year, the Music Man served as part of the entertainment program. He was unable to use his troubadour style but sat in a chair and played his favorite musical instrument. His accordion was played with such fervor and feeling that a few of us girls were singing the words to "Ain't She Sweet" as we moved steadily to the rhythmic beat. That man could sure set a mood!
After Charter Night, we began to see less and less of Merv and the times, Dot Zeis, his neighbor was able to bring him to the Kiwanis meeting he was unable to lift and maneuver his beloved instrument, but he still played music-using the piano. Just a few weeks ago, when Murmi checked on him we found that he was not doing well and was in the hospital. We signed a card and felt this would be a bounce back occasion.
To say that it was upsetting last week to hear that Merv Conn passed away would be a gross understatement-not that I believed he could go on forever but because of the impact his music had on me, and I suspect, all members of our Club. For me, it brought back memories from the rock and roll song, American Pie, by Don McLean, especially the following couple of lines:
- "Something touched me deep inside the day the music died." Merv played music because he loved it. It was music from another generation and we hope there will be others who will follow in his tradition and play and teach music for the sheer love of it-but, in fact, we know he was one of a kind.
- "We sang dirges in the dark the day the music died." Merv will be missed by the members of the Kiwanis Club of Wheaton-Silver Spring and others who knew him. The dirges in the dark vary with each member based on the wonderful memories they have of Merv. As for me, my dirge will occur when we turn to the flag and sing America at the next meeting-because at that moment-my heart will be singing the dirge in the dark.
Yes, Merv Conn and his music will be missed-but the Kiwanis Club of Wheaton-Silver Spring will forever commemorate him in our hearts branded with Cleff notes.