- Gov. Don's Msg
- School Supplies
- Africa Initiative
- School Supplies
- Orphans Helpers
Governor's Messageby Gov. Don Dudey My year as your Governor is now drawing to a close after almost a two year journey. It all began in the summer of 2008 when my wife and I were discussing the merits of running for the office of Governor of the Capital District. I had just overcome a major medical situation in my life, I had been retired for two years and the time seemed right to run for the office of Governor. ..more |
Members of the Tabb Kiwanis Club collected the back to school supplies and donated to Tabb Elementary School on August 18 to ensure all students have what they need for a good start. This is one of the many community projects undertaken by the Kiwanis Club of Tabb, VA. |
Congratulations, Capital District!KIF Awards Africa Initiative $19Kby Raga Elim, Ph.D., Chair At its meeting in June, the Kiwanis International Foundation Board of Trustees awarded the Capital District $19 thousand for the Initiative for Africa. This amount more than matches the $18,400 raised for this project so far by the District Committee on International Understanding....more |
The Kiwanis Club of Frederick assisted with a $2500 donation to the Boys and Girls Club of Frederick County, along with other businesses, in providing school supplies to those needy chlldren in the Frederick area. Pictured, left to right, are Frederick Kiwanians Jim Green, Bill Conley, Mike Hosford and Dunbar Ashbury. Miss Nikera Means is shown at the table with items that were included in the backpack supplies. Patrick Gunnin, Executive Director of the Boys and Girls Club, was also present for the presentation. |
Poquoson Club Donates $1,500 to Orphan Helpersby Joe Discenza The Kiwanis Club of Poquoson donated $1,500.00 to ORPHAN HELPERS, continuing its support for this charitable organization dedicated to helping children in Central America. Greg Garrett, a prominent Hampton Roads Realty leader, accepted the award on behalf of Orphan Helpers...more |