Gov. Tom's Msg. Art: Goodbye K-Family Weekend Leder Awarded Waldorf Club
Happy New Year! As I take my seat in the front car of this roller-coaster, I thought you might appreciate a little insight regarding the view from here. First of all, let me tell you I expect the next twelve months to be exhilarating, and nothing less. I know there will be precipitous drops such as failed or stalled initiatives, disappointments in membership numbers, and regretfully harsh words spoken and written by Kiwanians who are supposed to embody the application of higher social, business, and professional standards, but those will be the exceptions. (Pictured left is Governor Tom Ganse with his granddaughter Bella.) more |
A Message from Outgoing Gov. Art Riley and First Lady Vickie It is impossible to describe the events of the past 366 days and the countless "chicken meals." The Kiwanians of the Capital District have provided Vickie and me an experience that we will never forget and that will continue to enrich our lives in the years to come. more |
The "K-Family
Weekend" Brings Together the Key Club & CKI Boards with Kiwanis Leadership Team Have you ever been on a "K-Family Weekend"? You'd never forget it, I'll tell you. Just what is a K-Family weekend anyway? Well, its definition is really the Kiwanis Family Weekend. Its purpose is to gather the current Key Club Board, the CKI Board and the new Kiwanis leadership team, especially all of the 2008-2009 Lieutenant Governors, SLP advisors and K-Family Governors. They assemble for most of three days to work and play together, to share ideas, plans and to get to know one another while coordinating their goals. more |
Jim Leder Receives Cap. Dist. Foundation Founder's Society Award September 12th: Dr. Jim Leder (on the left with Bob Cressy on the right) was surprised with a presentation of a Capital District Kiwanis Foundation, Founder's Society Award at the 35th Annual Bethesda Kiwanis Golf Classic dinner at Bretton Woods Golf Course, Potomac, Maryland. more |
Club of Waldorf's Day of Caring Service
Project Each year the Kiwanis Club of Waldorf takes on one of the service projects for the United Way of Charles County Day of Caring. Held in September, these projects are completed by volunteers from community agencies, as well as individuals. This year, the club chose Health Partners, a nonprofit agency that provides low or no cost medical and dental services to low income residents of Charles County, Maryland. more |